IBibikov 039;s 25 Folder Icon Pack 5 Activation Key [Win/Mac] IBibikov 039;s 25 Folder Icon Pack 5 Download 77a5ca646e IBibikov 039;s 25 Folder Icon Pack 5 License Key Full What's New In? In iBibikov's 25 Folder Icon Pack you will find 25 different set of dock icons designed by iBibikov. All the icons were originally designed for the iBibikov's 50 Folder Icon Pack, but it was decided to keep them as they are. How to use: iBibikov's 25 Folder Icon Pack is available in two formats: as a zip file, and as a.xar package. The package contains all the icons from the bundle, it is a simple step-by-step install: Drag all the contents of the package to the Windows desktop and double-click the install button. Then simply follow the instructions that will be shown on screen. Q: Knockoutjs ajax call doesn't work I am using a small library called 'knockout-sortable' and trying to create a new array in javascript via ajax and it doesn't work for me. It seems like it is sending data but the array doesn't receive it. My Html: Sending data Name Date Server response Name Date Result My Js: var serverData = ko.observableArray(); var resData = ko.observableArray(); $("#sortable").sortable({ revert: true, placeholder: "sortable-placeholder", placeholder: "placeholder", handle: ".handle", forcePlaceholderSize: true, tolerance: "pointer", distance System Requirements: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) 32-bit or 64-bit OS 2 GB RAM 640MB free disk space Pentium 4 or equivalent processor 1GHz processor or faster 1GB available video RAM 1024x768 or higher screen resolution 800x600 screen resolution recommended D-Sub and VGA port Installation: The
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